Today we will practice all exercices we learned in the LEVEL 1 OF THE ACTION USED IN SAMBA , LEVEL 2 OF THE ACTION USED IN SAMBA , LEVEL 3 OF THE ACTION USED IN SAMBA and LEVEL 4 OF THE ACTION USED IN SAMBA . We will remember the 4 levels of Samba and we will dance all the exercises in music, in Slow Motion, Double Beat and Normal Tempo. In is a class that will help you to understand how to train everything before starting to apply the Action Used in all the steps. If you want to internalize everything before starting with the steps, we recommend that you do the PLAN DE 21 DAYS (Between 10 and 24 minutes a day) of TOP QUALITY BOUNCE ACTION IN SAMBA .If you follow this plan, you will be fully prepared to start the next job.
In this class we will look at two types of exercises: Exercises that reduce activity and exercises that increase activity. These exercises will help us to relax or activate when we want. It is important to know them and use them to our advantage.
Before doing these exercises it is advisable to have practiced for a few days or weeks and not stop practicing the exercises from the previous class BALANCED BREATHS , because before seeking to increase or reduce activity we must know how to balance it.
Today we will practice everything we have learned in the LEVEL 1 OF THE ACTION USED IN PASODOBLE , LEVEL 2 OF THE ACTION USED IN PASODOBLE and LEVEL 3 OF THE ACTION USED IN PASODOBLE . We will remember the 3 levels of Pasodoble in a general way and we will dance them all in music, in 8 Beats and in 4 Beats. It is a class that will help you understand how to train everything before starting to apply the Action Used in all the steps. If you want to internalize everything before starting with the steps, we recommend that you do the 15-DAY PLAN TO ACHIEVE A USED ACTION OF HIGHEST QUALITY PASODOBLE . If you follow this plan, you will be fully prepared to start the next job.
Today we will practice everything we have learned in the LEVEL 1 OF THE ACTION USED IN JIVE , LEVEL 2 OF THE ACTION USED IN JIVE and LEVEL 3 OF THE ACTION USED IN JIVE . We will remember the 3 levels of Jive in a general way and we will dance them all in music, in Slow Motion, in Double Beat and in Normal Tempo. It is a class that will help you understand how to train everything before starting to apply the Action Used in all the steps. If you want to internalize everything before starting with the steps, we recommend that you do the PLAN OF 19 DAYS TO GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY USED JIVE ACTION . If you follow this plan, you will be fully prepared to start the next job.
Today we will practice everything we have learned in the LEVEL 1 OF THE ACTION USED IN RUMBA , LEVEL 2 OF THE ACTION USED IN RUMBA and LEVEL 3 OF THE ACTION USED IN RUMBA . We will remember the 3 levels of Rumba in a general way and we will dance them all in music, in Slow Motion, in Double Beat and in Normal Tempo. It is a class that will help you understand how to train everything before starting to apply the Action Used in all the steps. If you want to internalize everything before starting with the steps, we recommend that you do the PLAN OF 19 DAYS TO GET THE MAXIMUM QUALITY OF CUBAN MOTION IN RUMBA BOLERO. If you follow this plan, you will be fully prepared to start the next job.